The agritourism is located in a strategic site, 4 km from Alghero airport; while at 8 km you can find the beautiful Porto Conte Bay, with Capo Caccia, where it is possible to enjoy trekking routes, the Cabiro climbing rig, and the Isola Piana, right in front of the amous Nettuno Caves. Always at 8 km it is possible to be at the incontaminated Porto Ferro Bay, with it wide beache and pine woods; there it is possible to practice skysurf, windsurf and horse riding. Travelling 14 km from us, you can be into the pitoresque town of Alghero, famous for its red coral and because it is the only Catalan settlement in Sardinia, rich in peculiar culture and history. You can also find the important nuragic settlements of Palmavera and Anghelu Ruju, only at 10 km from the agritourism. And last, but not least, at 40 km, there is Stintino village , in front of the Natural Park of Asinara Island.Close to us,at 2 Km the village of Santa Maria La Palma can offer you all the essential services

Il percorso della via ferrata si sviluppa interamente in traverso lungo una serie di enormi cenge naturali che talvolta si restringono fin quasi a scomparire. La ferrata è percorribile indifferentemente partendo dalla cengia bassa come da quella alta.

Il Diving si trova a Capo Galera, su un promontorio al centro del golfo di Alghero, in mezzo alla macchia mediterranea, in una villa bianca sulla scogliera, meglio nota come “La villa dell’Olandese”.